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The Worlds Fastest Knife Sharpener

AccuSharp Knife and Tool Sharpener

Finally, a Knife Sharpener anyone can use! No more messy oils or stones. In about 10 seconds, you can sharpen knives, (even serrated knives), cleavers, axes, machetes, and many other cutting tools. The large ergonomic handle fits either hand safely and securely. The full length finger guard protects your fingers. Sharpening blades are Diamond Honed Tungsten Carbide and provide years of reliable use. AccuSharp Knife Sharpeners will not rust and can be cleaned with soap and water, or in the dishwasher. Replacement sharpening blades are available.

Sportsmen, Cooks, Craftsmen, Gardeners, and many more, all need the easy-to-use, affordable AccuSharp knife and tool sharpeners.

SHARP (sharpener )...........weight 1#.............$11.95


SHARPRB ( extra blade )...............weight 1#................$6.95


Phone 1-337-477-1591 11:00 AM-7:00 PM M-F Central time
Fax 1-337-477-0298 24 hours a day, every day.

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