T he C ajun S hoppe

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O rder I nformation
We usually ship within 24 hours.

Order Online!!
We have a secure shopping cart and a search engine built into every page to make ordering online easier. This is by far the quickest and eaisiest way to order.

If, for some reason, the cart does not work, or you refuse to allow cookies
(which our cart requires), you can place your order by phone, fax or mail.

The Cajun Shoppe
PO Box 1745
Lake Charles, LA. 70602


Order may be placed between 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM Monday-Friday.


The Fax is available 24 hours a day, every day.

We invite your comments as well as your orders!

The Cajun Shoppe email

If you wish to place an order by mail, send your order to the above address. Include with your order your shipping address, phone number, and payment (check, money order, or credit card information.) Make sure your payments includes the freight charges. If you fax your order to the above fax number include the same information with your credit card information.

To calculate your freight charges simply add up the weight of all items ordered and add the amount shown in the chart to your total order. This chart is for normal delivery to the lower 48 states and does not cover over sized packages. Shipments to military address usually are a little more expensive. Louisiana residents must add 4% sales tax.

Shipping & Handling Charges
Lower 48 states
Military addresses are a little more expensive.
Oversize packages are more expensive.
These are approximate charges. West coast shipment may exceed these estimates.

     Minimum.......$6.00	25# to 30#.....$25.00

     5# to 10#.....$9.00	30# to 40#.....$30.00

     10# to 15#....$11.00	40# to 50#.....$32.00

     15 to 20#.....$14.00	50# to 60#.....$35.00
     20# to 25#.....$20.00	60# to 70#.....$40.00
If you wish to order by email, click The Cajun Shoppe email.
The Cajun Shoppe email



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