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H anging B asket T rees
Make your home and yard more beautiful!!!

M odel 12/24 T ree

This hanging basket tree has several unique features.

Built from steel square tubing, it is designed to last for many years.

The base is designed to be installed and moved quite easily. It may also be set in concrete for a permanent installation.

The upright is 6'8" tall allowing for several tiers of baskets. We have three tiers on ours. This leaves the baskets high enough off the ground to mow under the tree.

The arms are 48" long, allowing one or two baskets on each side. My wife and Mother both think two baskets on each side make the tree look too cluttered.

The arms are available with 90 degree or 45 degree attachments. This allows for them to be positioned in either a staggered format or a spiral format. The picture above is in the staggered format. It is not much trouble to change from one to the other until you decide which one you prefer.

The entire tree may be rotated 360 degrees. This lets you put the "good side" where ever you like.

Staggered configuration comes with 4 - 90 degree arms and 2 - 45 degree arms.

Spiral configuration comes with 3 - 90 degree arms and 3 - 45 degree arms.

The Basket Tree Deluxe Kit

Model #HBT1 Staggered
Shipping weight 30# - $79.95


Model #HBT2 Spiral
Shipping weight 30# - $79.95


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